Arsenic-Related Publications of the Chair (2018-Current)
University of Southern Queensland - australia
- Ahmad, M., Usman, A.R.A, Hussain, Q., Al-Farraj, A.S.F., Tsang, Y.F., Bundschuh, J., Al-Wabel, M.I., 2020. Fabrication and evaluation of silica embedded and zerovalent iron composited biochars for arsenate removal from water. Environmental Pollution, 115256.
- Alarcón-Herrera, M.T. Martin-Alarcón, D.A., Gutiérrez, M., Reynoso-Cuevas, L., Martín-Domínguez, A., Olmos-Márquez, M.A., Bundschuh, J., 2020. Co-occurrence, possible origin, and health-risk assessment of arsenic and fluoride in drinking water sources in Mexico: Geographical data visualization. Science of the Total Environment 698, 134168.
- Alkurdi, S.S.A, Al-Juboori, R.A., Bundschuh, J., Bowtell, L., Marchuk, A., 2020. Inorganic arsenic species removal from water using bone char: A detailed study on adsorption kinetic and isotherm models using error functions analysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 124112.
- Alkurdi, S.S.A., Al-Juboori, R.A., Bundschuh, J., Bowtell, L., McKnight, S., 2020. Effect of pyrolysis conditions on bone char characterization and its ability for arsenic and fluoride removal. Environmental Pollution 262, 114221.
- Amen, R., Bashir,H., Bibi, I., Shaheen, S.M., Niazi, N.K., Shahid, M., Hussain, M.M., Antoniadis, V., Shakoor, M.B., Al-Solaimani, S.G., Wang, H., Bundschuh, H., Rinklebe, J. 2020. A critical review on arsenic removal from water using biochar-based sorbents: The significance of modification and redox reactions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 125195.
- Aullón Alcaine, A., Schulz, C., Bundschuh, J., Jacks, G., Thunvik, R., Gustafsson, J.-P., Mörth, C.-M., Sracek, O., Ahmad, A., Bhattacharya, P., 2020. Hydrogeochemical controls on the mobility of arsenic, fluoride and other geogenic co-contaminants in the shallow aquifers of northeastern La Pampa Province in Argentina. Science of The Total Environment, 136671.
- Bundschuh, J., Armienta, M.A., Morales-Simfors, N., Alam, M.A., López, D.L., Delgado Quezada, V., Dietrich, S., Schneider, J., Tapia, J., Sracek, O., Castillo, E., Marco Parra, L.-M., Altamirano Espinoza, M., L.R.G. Guilherme, Sosa, N.N., Niazi, N.K., Tomaszewska, B., Lizama Allende, K., Bieger, K., Alonso, D.L., Brandão, P.F.B., Bhattacharya, B., Litter, M.I., Ahmad, A., 2020. Arsenic in Latin America: New findings on source, mobilization and mobility in human environments in 20 countries based on decadal research 2010-2020. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.
- Cañas Kurz, E.E., Hellriegel, U., Luong V.T., Bundschuh, J., Hoinkis, J., 2020. Selective ion adsorption with pilot-scale membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI): Arsenic, ammonium and manganese removal. Water Res. & Tech. 198, 163-169.
- Cañas Kurz, E.E., Luong, V.T., Hellriegel, U., Leidinger, F., Luu, T.L., Bundschuh, J., Hoinkis, J., 2020. Iron-based subsurface arsenic removal (SAR): Results of a long-term pilot-scale test in Vietnam. Water Research, 115929.
- Delgado Quezada, V. Altamirano Espinoza, M., Bundschuh, J., 2020. Arsenic in geoenvironments of Nicaragua: Exposure, health effects, mitigation and future needs. Science of The Total Environment, 136527.
- Hellriegel, U., Cañas Kurz, E.E., Luong, T.V., Bundschuh, J., Hoinkis, J., 2020. Modular treatment of arsenic-laden brackish groundwater using solar-powered subsurface arsenic removal (SAR) and membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI) in Vietnam. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.
- Herath, I., Zhao, F.-J., Bundschuh, J., Wang, P., Wang, J., Ok, J.-S., Palansooriya, K.N., Vithanage, M., 2020. Microbe mediated immobilization of arsenic in the rice rhizosphere after incorporation of silica impregnated biochar composites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 123096.
- Herath, I., Kumarathilaka, P., Bundschuh, J., Marchuk, A., Rinklebe, J., 2020. A fast analytical protocol for simultaneous speciation of arsenic by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) hyphenated to Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass. Talanta 208, 120457.
- Khan, K.M., Chakraborty, R., Bundschuh, J., Bhattacharya, P., Parvez, F., 2020. Health effects of arsenic exposure in Latin America: An overview of the past eight years of research. Science of The Total Environment 710, 136071.
- Kumarathilaka, P., Bundschuh, J., Seneweera, S., Ok, J.S., 2020. An integrated approach of rice hull biochar-alternative water management as a promising tool to decrease inorganic arsenic levels and to sustain essential element contents in rice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 124188.
- Kumarathilaka, P., Seneweera, S., Ok, Y.S., Meharg, A.A., Bundschuh, J., 2020. Mitigation of arsenic accumulation in rice: An agronomical, physico-chemical, and biological approach–A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 50(1), 31-71.
- Maity, J.P., Chen, C.Y., Bhattacharya, P., Sharma, R.K., Ahmad, A., Patnaik, S., Bundschuh, J., 2020. Arsenic removal and mitigation options by advanced application of nano-technological and biological processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 123885.
- Morales-Simfors, N., Bundschuh, J., Herath, I., Inguaggiato, C., Caselli, A.T., Tapia, J., Apaza Choquehuayta, F.E., Armienta, M.A., Ormachea, M., Joseph, E., López, D.L., 2020. Arsenic in Latin America: A critical overview on the geochemistry of arsenic originating from geothermal features and volcanic emissions for solving its environmental consequences. Science of The Total Environment 716, 135564.
- Tomaszewska, B., Bundschuh, J., Pajak, L., Dendys, M., Delgado Quezada, V., Bodzek, M., Armienta, M.A., Muñoz, M.O., Kasztelewicz, A., 2020. Use of low-enthalpy and waste geothermal energy sources to solve arsenic problems in freshwater production in selected regions of Latin America using a process membrane distillation – research into model solutions. Journal of the Total Environment, 136853.
- Weerasundara, L., Gabriele, B., Figoli, A., Ok, Y.S., Bundschuh, J., 2020. Hydrogels: Novel materials for contaminant removal in water—A review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 1-45.
- Weerasundara, L., Ok, J.S., Bundschuh, J., 2020. Selective removal of arsenic in water – A critical review. Environmental Pollution, 115668.
- Caixeta Martins, G., de Oliveira, C., Godinho Ribeiro, P., Natal-da-Luz, T., Sousa, J.P., Bundschuh, J., Guilherme, L.R.G., 2019. Assessing the Brazilian prevention value for soil arsenic: Effects on emergence and growth of plant species relevant to tropical agroecosystems. Science of The Total Environment 694, 133663.
- Kumar, R., Patel, M., Singh, P., Bundschuh, J., Pittman Jr, C.U., Trakal, L., Mohan, D., 2019. Emerging technologies for arsenic removal from drinking water in rural and peri-urban areas: Methods, experience from, and options for Latin America. Science of The Total Environment 694, 133427.
- Morales-Simfors, N., Bundschuh, J., Herath, I., Inguaggiato, C., Caselli, A.T., Tapia, J., Apaza Choquehuayta, F.E., Armienta, M.A., Ormachea, M., Joseph, E., López, D.L., 2019. Arsenic in Latin America: A critical overview on the geochemistry of arsenic originating from geothermal features and volcanic emissions for solving its environmental consequences. Science of The Total Environment, 135564.
- Caixeta Martins, G., de Oliveira, C., Godinho Ribeiro, P., Natal-da-Luz, T., Sousa, J.P., Bundschuh, J., Guilherme, L.R.G., 2019. Assessing the most sensitive and reliable endpoints in plant growth tests to improve arsenic risk assessment. Science of The Total Environment, 134753.
- Coomar, P., Mukherjee, A., Bhattacharya, P., Bundschuh, J., Verma, S., Fryar, A.E., Ramos Ramos, O.E., Ormachea Muñoz, M., Gupta, S., Mahanta, C., Quino, I., Thunvik, R., 2019. Contrasting controls on hydrogeochemistry of arsenic-enriched groundwater in the homologous tectonic settings of Andean and Himalayan basin aquifers, Latin America and South Asia. Science of The Total Environment 689, 1370-1387.
- Mukherjee, A., Gupta, S., Coomar, P., Fryar, A.E., Guillot, S., Verma, S., Bhattacharya, P., Bundschuh, J., Charlet, L., 2019. Plate tectonics influence on geogenic arsenic cycling: From primary sources to global groundwater enrichment. Science of The Total Environment 683, 793-807.
- Baeyens, W., Mirlean, N., Bundschuh, J., de Winter, N., Baisch, P., Rodrigues da Silva Júnior, F.M., Gao, Y., 2019. Arsenic enrichment in sediments and beaches of Brazilian coastal waters: A review. Science of The Total Environment 681, 143-154.
- Rioyo, J., Aravinthan, V., Bundschuh, J., 2019. The effect of ‘High-pH pretreatment’on RO concentrate minimization in a groundwater desalination facility using batch air gap membrane distillation. Separation and Purification Technology, 115699.
- Kumarathilaka, P., Seneweera, S., Ok, Y.S., Meharg, A.A., Bundschuh, J., 2019. Arsenic in cooked rice foods: Assessing health risks and mitigation options. Environment International 127, 584-591.
- Dehbandi, R., Abbasnejad, A., Karimi, Z., Herath, I., Bundschuh, J., 2019. Hydrogeochemical controls on arsenic mobility in an arid inland basin, Southeast of Iran: The role of alkaline conditions and salt water intrusion. Environmental Pollution 249, 910-922.
- Alkurdi, S.S.A., Herath, I., Bundschuh, J., Al-Juboori, R.A., Vithanage, M., Mohan, D., 2019. Biochar versus bone char for a sustainable inorganic arsenic mitigation in water: What needs to be done in future research? Environment International 127, 52-69.
- Shakoor, M.B., Niazi, N.K., Bibi, I., Shahid, M., Saqib, Z.A., Nawaz, M.F., Shaheen, S.M., Wang, H., Tsang, D.C.W., Bundschuh, J., Ok, J.S., Rinklebe, J., 2019. Exploring the arsenic removal potential of various biosorbents from water. Environment International 123, 567-579.
- Ahmad, A. Cornelissen, E., van de Wetering, S., van Dijk, T., van Genuchten, C., Bundschuh, J., van der Wal, A., Bhattacharya, P., 2018. Arsenite removal in groundwater treatment plants by sequential Permanganate―Ferric treatment. Journal of Water Process Engineering 26, 221-229.
- Kumarathilaka, P., Seneweera, S., Meharg, A., Bundschuh, J., 2018. Arsenic accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa) is influenced by environment and genetic factors. Science of the Total Environment 642, 485-496.
- Luong, V.T., Kurz, E.E.C, Hellriegel, U., Luu, T.L., Hoinkis, J., Bundschuh, J., 2018. Iron-based subsurface arsenic removal technologies by aeration: A review of the current state and future prospects. Water Research 133, 110-122.
- Kumarathilaka, P., Seneweera, S., Meharg, A., Bundschuh, J., 2018. Arsenic speciation dynamics in paddy rice soil-water environment: sources, physico-chemical, and biological factors – a review. Water Research 140, 403-414.
- Herath, I., Vithanage, M., Seneweera, S., Bundschuh, J., 2018. Thiolated arsenic in natural systems: what is current, what is new and what needs to be known. Environment International 115, 370-386.
KTH Royal institute of technology - sweden
- *Khan, K.M., Chakraborty, R., Bundschuh, J., Bhattacharya, P., Parvez, F., 2020. Health effects of arsenic exposure in Latin America: An overview of the past eight years of research. Science of The Total Environment 710, 136071.
- Ahmad, A., Heijnen, L., de Waal, L., Battaglia-Brunet, F., Oorthuizen, W., Pieterse, B., Bhattacharya, P. van der Wal, A., 2020. Mobility and redox transformation of arsenic during treatment of artificially recharged groundwater for drinking water production. Water Research, 115826.
- Ahmad, A., Rutten, S., Eikelboom, M., de Waal, L., Bruning, H., Bhattacharya, P., van der Wal, A., 2020. Impact of phosphate, silicate and natural organic matter on the size of Fe (III) precipitates and arsenate co-precipitation efficiency in calcium containing water. Separation and Purification Technology 235, 116117.
- Ahmad, A., van der Wens, P., Baken, K., de Waal, L., Bhattacharya, P., Stuyfzand, P., 2020. Arsenic reduction to <1 µg/L in Dutch drinking water. Environment International 134, 105253.
- Aullón Alcaine, A., Schulz, C., Bundschuh, J., Jacks, G., Thunvik, R., Gustafsson, J.-P., Mörth, C.-M., Sracek, O., Ahmad, A., Bhattacharya, P., 2020. Hydrogeochemical controls on the mobility of arsenic, fluoride and other geogenic co-contaminants in the shallow aquifers of northeastern La Pampa Province in Argentina. Science of The Total Environment, 136671.
- Bundschuh, J., Armienta, M.A., Morales-Simfors, N., Alam, M.A., López, D.L., Delgado Quezada, V., Dietrich, S., Schneider, J., Tapia, J., Sracek, O., Castillo, E., Marco Parra, L.-M., Altamirano Espinoza, M., L.R.G. Guilherme, Sosa, N.N., Niazi, N.K., Tomaszewska, B., Lizama Allende, K., Bieger, K., Alonso, D.L., Brandão, P.F.B., Bhattacharya, B., Litter, M.I., Ahmad, A., 2020. Arsenic in Latin America: New findings on source, mobilization and mobility in human environments in 20 countries based on decadal research 2010-2020. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.
- Quino-Lima, I., Ormachea Muñoz, M., Ramos Ramos, O.E., Quintanilla Aguirre, J., Maity, J.P., Ahmad, A., Bhattacharya, P., 2020. Hydrogeochemical contrasts in the shallow aquifer systems of the Lower Katari Basin and Southern Poopó Basin, Bolivian Altiplano. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 102914.
- Maity, J.P., Chen, C.Y., Bhattacharya, P., Sharma, R.K., Ahmad, A., Patnaik, S., Bundschuh, J., 2020. Arsenic removal and mitigation options by advanced application of nano-technological and biological processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 123885.
- Mariño, E.E., Teijón Ávila, G., Bhattacharya, P., Schulz, C.J., 2020. The occurrence of arsenic and other trace elements in groundwaters of the southwestern Chaco-Pampean plain, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 102547.
- Quino-Lima, I., Ramos-Ramos, O., Ormachea-Muñoz, M., Quintanilla-Aguirre, J., Duwig, C., Prakash Maity, J., Sracek, O., Bhattacharya, P., 2000. Spatial dependency of arsenic, antimony, boron and other trace elements in the shallow groundwater systems of the Lower Katari Basin, Bolivian Altiplano. Science of The Total Environment, 137505.
- Kumar, R., Patel, M., Singh, P., Bundschuh, J., Pittman Jr, C.U., Trakal, L., Mohan, D., 2019. Emerging technologies for arsenic removal from drinking water in rural and peri-urban areas: Methods, experience from, and options for Latin America. Science of The Total Environment 694, 133427.
- Abiye, T.A., Bhattacharya, P., 2019. Arsenic concentration in groundwater: Archetypal study from South Africa. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 9, 100246.
- *Mukherjee, A., Gupta, S., Coomar, P., Fryar, A.E., Guillot, S., Verma, S., Bhattacharya, P., Bundschuh, J., Charlet, L., 2019. Plate tectonics influence on geogenic arsenic cycling: From primary sources to global groundwater enrichment. Science of The Total Environment 683, 793-807,
- Litter, M.I., Ingallinella, A.M., Olmos, V., Savio, M., Difeo, G., Botto, L., Farfán Torres, E.M., Taylor, S., Frangie, S., Herkovits, H., Schalamuk, I., González, M.J., Berardozzi, E., García Einschlag, F.S., Bhattacharya, P., Ahmad, A., 2019. Arsenic in Argentina: Occurrence, human health, legislation and determination. Science of the Total Environment 676, 756-766.
- Litter, M.I., Ingallinella, A.M., Olmos, V., Savio, M., Difeo, G., Botto, L., Farfán Torres, E.M., Taylor, S., Frangie, S., Herkovits, H., Schalamuk, I., González, M.J., Berardozzi, E., García Einschlag, F.S., Bhattacharya, P., Ahmad, A., 2019. Arsenic in Argentina: Technologies for arsenic removal from groundwater sources, investment costs and waste management practices. Science of The Total Environment 690, 778-789.
- Kasiuliene, A., Carabante, I., Bhattacharya, P., Kumpiene, J., 2019. Hydrothermal carbonisation of peat-based spent sorbents loaded with metal (loid)s. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 23730-23738.
- Saha, R., Dey, N.C., Rahman, M., Bhattacharya, P., Rabbani, G.H., 2019. Geogenic arsenic and microbial contamination in drinking water sources: Exposure risks to the coastal population in Bangladesh. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7, 57.
- Bhattacharjee, S., Saha, B., Saha, B. Uddin, Md.S., Panna, C.H., Bhattacharya, P., Saha, R., 2010. Groundwater governance in Bangladesh: Established practices and recent trends. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 8, 69-81.
- Quino Lima, I., Ormachea Muñoz, M., Ramos Ramos, O.E., Bhattacharya, P., Quispe Choque, R., Quintanilla Aguirre, J., Sracek, O., 2019. Hydrochemical assessment with respect to arsenic and other trace elements in the Lower Katari Basin, Bolivian Altiplano. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 8, 281-293.
- Ahmad, A., Bhattacharya, P., 2019. Environmental arsenic in a changing world. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 8, 169-171.
- Ahmad, A., Bhattacharya, P., 2019. Arsenic in drinking water: Is 10 μg/L a safe limit? Current Pollution Reports 5(1), 1-3.
- Ahmad, A. Cornelissen, E., van de Wetering, S., van Dijk, T., van Genuchten, C., Bundschuh, B., van der Wal, A., Bhattacharya, P., 2018. Arsenite removal in groundwater treatment plants by sequential Permanganate―Ferric treatment. Journal of Water Process Engineering 26, 221-229.
- Kumar, M., Jain, V., Yamanaka, T., Li, Y., Bhattacharya, P., 2018. Contaminant transport and fate in freshwater systems–Integrating the fields of geochemistry, geomorphology and nanotechnology. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 7, 336-342.
- Annaduzzaman, M., Bhattacharya, P., Biswas, A., Hossain, M., Ahmed, K.M., van Halem, D., 2018. Arsenic and manganese in shallow tubewells: Validation of platform color as a screening tool in Bangladesh. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 6, 181-188.
- Kasiulienea, A., Carabante, I., Bhattacharya, P., Caporale, A.G., Adamoc, P., Kumpiene, J., 2018. Removal of metal(oid)s from contaminated water using iron-coated peat sorbent. Chemosphere 198, 290-296.
- Saha, R., Dey, N.C., Rahman, S., Galagedera, L., Bhattacharya, P., 2018. Exploring suitable sites for installing safe drinking water wells in coastal Bangladesh. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 7, 91-100.
Nanjing University - P. R. China
- Zhang, H., Wang, Q., Xu, Q., Xu, W., Yang, S., Liu, X., Ma, L.Q., 2020. Sequential fractionation and plant uptake of As, Cu, and Zn in a contaminated riparian wetland. Environmental Pollution 268, 115734.
- Li, X., Sun, D., Feng, H., Chen, J., Chen, Y., Li, H., Cao, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2020. Efficient arsenate reduction in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata are mediated by novel arsenate reductases PvHAC1 and PvHAC2. Journal of Hazardous Materials 399, 122895.
- Xu, W., Cao, Y., Chen, Y., Xiang, P., Liu, X., Ma, L.Q., 2020. Response to comment on “closely-related species of hyperaccumulating plants and their ability in accumulation of As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn”. Chemosphere, 128037.
- da Silva, E.B., Gao, P., Xu, M., Guan, D., Tang, X., Ma, L.Q., 2020. Background concentrations of trace metals As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn in 214 Florida urban soils: Different cities and land uses. Environmental Pollution 264, 114737.
- He, S., Wang, X., Wu, X., Yin, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2020. Using rice as a remediating plant to deplete bioavailable arsenic from paddy soils. Environment International 141, 105799.
- Xu, W., Xiang, P., Liu, X., Ma, L.Q., 2020. Closely-related species of hyperaccumulating plants and their ability in accumulation of As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. Chemosphere 251, 126334.
- Hua, C.Y., Chen, J.X, Cao, Y., Li, H.B., Chen, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2020. Pteris vittata coupled with phosphate rock effectively reduced As and Cd uptake by water spinach from contaminated soil. Chemosphere 247, 125916.
- Chen, J., Garbinski, L.D., Rosen, B., Zhang, J., Xiang, P., Ma, L.Q., 2020. Organoarsenical compounds: Occurrence, toxicology and biotransformation. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 50, 217-243.
- Zhao, D., Wang, J., Yin, D., Li, M., Chen, X., Juhasz, A.L., Luo, J., Navas-Acien, A., Li, H., Ma, L.Q., 2020. Arsanilic acid contributes more to total arsenic than roxarsone in chicken meat from Chinese markets. Journal of Hazardous Materials 383, 121178.
- Abid, R., Manzoor, M., de Oliveira, L.M., da Silva, E., Rathinasabapathi, B., Rensing, C., Mahmood, S., Liu, X., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Interactive effects of As, Cd and Zn on their uptake and oxidative stress in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. Environmental Pollution 248, 756-762.
- Chen,Y., Hua, C., Chen, J.X., Rathinasabapathi, B., Cao, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Expressing arsenite antiporter PvACR3;1 in Rice (Oryza sativa) decreases inorganic arsenic content in rice grains. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 10062−10069.
- da Silva, E.B., Mussoline, W.A., Wilkie, A.C., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Arsenic removal and biomass reduction of As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata: Coupling ethanol extraction with anaerobic digestion. Science of The Total Environment 666:205–211.
- da Silva a, E.B., Mussoline, W.A., Wilkie, A.C., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Anaerobic digestion to reduce biomass and remove arsenic from As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata. Environmental Pollution 250, 23-28.
- Han, Y., Yin, D., Jia, M., Wang, S., Chen, Y., Rathinasabapathi, B., Chen, D., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Arsenic-resistance mechanisms in bacterium Leclercia adecarboxylata strain As3-1: Biochemical and genomic analyses. Science of The Total Environment 690, 1178–1189.
- Jia, M., Tang, N., Cao, Y., Chen, Y., Han, Y.H., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Efficient arsenate reduction by As-resistant bacterium Bacillus strain PVR-YHB1-1: Characterization and genome analysis. Chemosphere 218, 1061-1070.
- Li, H., Li, M., Zhao, D., Li, J., Li, S., Xiang, P., Juhasz, A.L., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Arsenic, lead, and cadmium bioaccessibility in contaminated soils: Measurements and validations. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.
- Li, H., Li, M., Zhao, D., Li, J., Li, S., Juhasz, A.L., Basta, N.T., Luo, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Oral bioavailability of As, Pb, and Cd in contaminated soils, dust, and foods based on animal bioassays: A review. Environmental Science & Technology 53, 10545−10559.
- Li, K., Liu, Z., Shi, X., Wei, T., Ma, L.Q., Luo, J., 2020. Novel in situ method based on diffusive gradients in thin-films with lanthanum oxide nanoparticles for measuring As, Sb, and V and in waters. Journal of Hazardous Materials 383, 121196.
- Li, M., Wang, P., Wang, J., Chen, X., Zhao, D., Yin, D., Luo, J., Juhasz, A.L., Li, H., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Arsenic concentrations, speciation, and localization in 141 cultivated market mushrooms: Implications for arsenic exposure to humans. Environmental Science & Technology 53(1), 503−511.
- Manzoor, M., Abid, R., Rathinasabapathi, B., de Oliveira, L.M., da Silva, E., Deng, F., Rensing, C., Arshad, M., Gul, I., Xiang, P., Ma, L.Q., 2019. Metal tolerance of arsenic-resistant bacteria and their ability to promote plant growth of Pteris vittata in Pb-contaminated soil. Science of The Total Environment 660, 18–24.
- Zhu, X., Li, M., Chen, X.Q., Wang, J., Li, L., Tu, C., Luo, Y.M., Li, H.B., Ma, L.Q., 2019. As, Cd, and Pb relative bioavailability in contaminated soils: Coupling mouse bioassay with UBM assay. Environment International 130, 104875.
- Cao, Y., Sun, D., Chen, J., Mei, H., Ai, H., Xu, G., Chen, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2018. Phosphate transporter PvPht1;2 enhances phosphorus accumulation and plant growth without impacting arsenic uptake in plants. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 3975−3981.
- da Silva, E.B., de Oliveira, L.M., Wilkie, A.C., Liu, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2018a. Arsenic removal from As-hyperaccumulator P. vittata biomass: Coupling extraction with precipitation. Chemosphere 193, 288-294.
- da Silva, E.B., de Oliveira, L.M., Wilkie, A.C., Liu, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2018b. Arsenic removal by As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata from two contaminated soils: A 5-year study. Chemosphere 206, 736-741.
- da Silva, E.B., Li, S., de Oliveira, L.M., Gress, J., Dong, X., Wilkie, A.C., Townsend, T., Ma, L.Q., 2018c. Metal leachability from coal combustion residuals under different pHs and liquid/solid ratios. Journal of Hazardous Materials 341, 66–74.
- de Oliveira, L.M., Suchismita, D., da Silva, E.B., Gao, P., Vardanyan, L., Liu, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2018. Interactive effects of chromate and arsenate on their uptake and speciation in Pteris ensiformis. Plant and Soil 422, 515–526.
- de Oliveira, L.M., Das, S., da Silva, E.B., Gao, P., Gress, J., Liu, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2018. Metal concentrations in traditional and herbal teas and their potential risks to human health. Science of The Total Environment 633, 649-657.
- Fang, W., Williams, P.N., Fang, X., Amoah-Antwi, C., Yin, D., Li, G., Ma, L.Q., Luo, J., 2018. Field-scale heterogeneity and geochemical regulation of arsenic, iron, lead, and sulfur bioavailability in paddy soil. Environmental Science & Technology 52, 12098−12107.
- Hadayat, N., de Oliveira, L.M., da Silva, E., Han, L., Hussain, M., Liu, X., Ma, L.Q., 2018. Assessment of trace metals in five most-consumed vegetables in the US: Conventional vs. organic. Environmental Pollution 243, 292-300.
- Liu, X., Feng, H.Y., Fu, J.W., Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2018. Arsenic-induced nutrient uptake in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata and their potential role to enhance plant growth. Chemosphere 198, 425-431.
- Wang, Z., Hou, L., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2018. Metal contamination in a riparian wetland: Distribution, fractionation and plant uptake. Chemosphere 200, 587-593.
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University of Wuppertal - Germany
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Queen's university belfast - united kingdom
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Eawag - switzerland
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University of Applied Sciences - germany
- Cañas Kurz, E.E., Hellriegel, U., Luong V.T., Bundschuh, J., Hoinkis, J. (2020) Selective ion adsorption with pilot-scale membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI): Arsenic, ammonium and manganese removal. Water Res. & Tech. 198, 163-169.
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National institute of fundamental studies - Sri Lanka
- *Kumarathilaka, P., Bundschuh, J., Seneweera, S., Ok, J.S. (2020) An integrated approach of rice hull biochar-alternative water management as a promising tool to decrease inorganic arsenic levels and to sustain essential element contents in rice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 124188.
- *Kumarathilaka, P., Seneweera, S., Ok, Y.S., Meharg, A.A., Bundschuh, J. (2020) Mitigation of arsenic accumulation in rice: An agronomical, physico-chemical, and biological approach–A critical review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 50 (1), 31-71.
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- *Herath, I., Vithanage, M., Seneweera, S., Bundschuh, J. (2018) Thiolated arsenic in natural systems: what is current, what is new and what needs to be known. Environment International 115, 370-386.
Linköpings Universitet/ RISE SICS East AB - Sweden
- Bundschuh, J., Armienta, M.A., Morales-Simfors, N., Alam, M.A., López, D.L., Delgado Quezada, V., Dietrich, S., Schneider, J., Tapia, J., Sracek, O., Castillo, E., Marco Parra, L.-M., Altamirano Espinoza, M., L.R.G. Guilherme, Sosa, N.N., Niazi, N.K., Tomaszewska, B., Lizama Allende, K., Bieger, K., Alonso, D.L., Brandão, P.F.B., Bhattacharya, B., Litter, M.I., Ahmad, A. 2020. Arsenic in Latin America: New findings on source, mobilization and mobility in human environments in 20 countries based on decadal research 2010-2020. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.
- Morales-Simfors, N., Bundschuh, J., Herath, I., Inguaggiato, C., Caselli, A.T., Tapia, Apaza Choquehuayta, F.E. Armienta, M.A. Ormachea, M., Joseph, E., López, D.L. Arsenic in Latin America: A critical overview on the geochemistry of arsenic originating from geothermal features and volcanic emissions for solving its environmental consequences. Science of The Total Environment, 135564.
University of agriculture faisalabad - pakistan
- Amen, R., Bashir,H., Bibi, I., Shaheen, S.M., Niazi, N.K., Shahid, M., Hussain, M.M., Antoniadis, V., Shakoor, M.B., Al-Solaimani, S.G., Wang, H., Bundschuh, H., Rinklebe, J., 2020. A critical review on arsenic removal from water using biochar-based sorbents: The significance of modification and redox reactions. Chemical Engineering Journal, 125195.
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University of Sri Jayewardenepura - Sri Lanka
- Herath, I., Zhao, F.-J., Bundschuh, J., Wang, P., Wang, J., Ok, J.-S., Palansooriya, K.N., Vithanage, M. 2020. Microbe mediated immobilization of arsenic in the rice rhizosphere after incorporation of silica impregnated biochar composites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 123096.
- Alkurdi, S.S.A., Herath, I., Bundschuh, J., Al-Juboori, R.A., Vithanage, M., Mohan, 2019. Biochar versus bone char for a sustainable inorganic arsenic mitigation in water: What needs to be done in future research? Environment International 127, 52-69.
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- Herath, I., Vithanage, M., Seneweera, S., Bundschuh, 2018. Thiolated arsenic in natural systems: what is current, what is new and what needs to be known. Environment International 115, 370-386.
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the hong kong polytechnic university - hong kong p.r. china
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University of Queensland - australia
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chinese academy of sciences (CAS), institute of urban environment - P.R. China
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AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH-UST) & Polish Academy of Sciences - Poland
- Bundschuh, J., Armienta, M.A., Morales-Simfors, N., Alam, M.A., López, D.L., Delgado Quezada, V., Dietrich, S., Schneider, J., Tapia, J., Sracek, O., Castillo, E., Marco Parra, L.-M., Altamirano Espinoza, M., L.R.G. Guilherme, Sosa, N.N., Niazi, N.K., Tomaszewska, B., Lizama Allende, K., Bieger, K., Alonso, D.L., Brandão, P.F.B., Bhattacharya, B., Litter, M.I., Ahmad, A., 2020. Arsenic in Latin America: New findings on source, mobilization and mobility in human environments in 20 countries based on decadal research 2010-2020. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.
- Tomaszewska, B., Bundschuh, J., Pajak, L., Dendys, M., Delgado Quezada, V., Bodzek, M., Armienta, M.A., Muñoz, M.O., Kasztelewicz, A., 2020. Use of low-enthalpy and waste geothermal energy sources to solve arsenic problems in freshwater production in selected regions of Latin America using a process membrane distillation – research into model solutions. Journal of the Total Environment, 136853.
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Universidad de Atacama – Chile
- Bundschuh, J., Armienta, M.A., Morales-Simfors, N., Alam, M.A., López, D.L., Delgado Quezada, V., Dietrich, S., Schneider, J., Tapia, J., Sracek, O., Castillo, E., Marco Parra, L.-M., Altamirano Espinoza, M., L.R.G. Guilherme, Sosa, N.N., Niazi, N.K., Tomaszewska, B., Lizama Allende, K., Bieger, K., Alonso, D.L., Brandão, P.F.B., Bhattacharya, B., Litter, M.I., Ahmad, A., 2020. Arsenic in Latin America: New findings on source, mobilization and mobility in human environments in 20 countries based on decadal research 2010-2020. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology.
Journals and Book Series
Groundwater for Sustainable Development
The Chair is collaborating with the International Society “Groundwater for Sustainable Development” (ISGSD) and Elsevier Publishers in the edition of the journal “Groundwater for Sustainable Development” which also constitutes a source of information and publication opportunities within arsenic topics.
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.076
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.562
Volumes: Volumes 8-9
Issues: 2 issues
Supports Open Access
ISSN: 2352801X
Prosun Bhattacharya
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Department of Sustainable Development Environmental Science and Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden
Jochen Bundschuh
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia

Our Book Series
- Arsenic in the Environment (2008-)
- Arsenic in the Environment – Proceedings (2010-)
- Sustainable Water Developments (2015-)
- Sustainable Energy Developments (2012-)
Arsenic in the Environment
The book series “Arsenic in the Environment – Proceedings” comprises the outcomes of the international congress series Arsenic in the Environment, and other scientific events constitute a regular update on the newest developments of global arsenic research. This Proceedings series forms an ideal complementation to the books of the series “Arsenic in the Environment”. Both together form an inter-and multidisciplinary source of state-of-art information and an international platform for arsenic research, making an effort to link the occurrence of geogenic arsenic in different environments and media including ground- and surface water, soil and air, and its effect on human society.
Series Editors
Jochen Bundschuh
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia
Prosun Bhattacharya
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Sustainable Water Developments - Resources, Management, Treatment, Efficiency and Reuse
The book series provides a source of valuable information for small communities with decentralized water supply and sanitation up to large industries that employ many professionals in each of the countries worldwide working in the different fields of freshwater production, wastewater treatment and water reuse. In contrast to many other industries, which suffer from the global economic downturn observed in many countries, water and wastewater industries form a fast growing sector and provide significant investment opportunities and markets.
Series Editor
Jochen Bundschuh
University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia